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Welcome to the Web of Japa Vietnam!

We are a Japanese citizens’ group interested in the people of Vietnam. Back in 1990 we met various Vietnamese people working in poor environments to raise the standard of living of those living in rural and urban communities in need of help. Since then, we organized a group of citizens in Japan to help them in their programs of self-support.

Our name “Japa Vietnam” stands for “Japanese Private Assistance to Vietnam.

If you are interested in our work, see more of this Web and navigate freely through it.

You are most welcomed to join us!

〒102-0083 東京都千代田区麹町6-5-1 岐部ホール4階 イエズス会社会司牧センター内
TEL.03-5215-1844 / FAX.03-5215-1845
Email: japavietnam2014@gmail.com 

  @copyright 2011 JAPA VIETNAM ORGANIZATION    Date : 9/February/2025 Time 1:13